Hallo. I am Handri,

Actually, I've posted about my Playgroup IPA 1's Family in my diary facebook. Sometimes I do miss them so much, cause they are very special in my live. Many stories have made from our gathering since XI class (June, 2008) until our graduated in senior high school (April, 2010). We're have united by many X (ten) classes, many Junior High Schools in Nunukan, but since we met in XI class, we are one family, one soul, one heart. (ciehh :p)

Memories about them are never forget until I'll graduate in University, so many stories about them that I would tell you, but for now I just want to post the point by them, one by one... this is according to me, and it's true from me, Handri.

1. Afrianti Arafah (Anti')

in SMA
Anti's now
here is Anti'. She was very tomboy, so muscle between the other girls in our class. so surprised for me because she now is very pretty, so girly..  She is a nurse, and now she is still studying at Politeknik Kemenkes Makassar Prodi Keperawatan Pare-pere, Sulawesi Selatan. I do love her so much because she was very entertaining, humble, and humorist person, but sometimes she was very moody.

2. Anita (anita)

nita with me #LOL
Nita's now
Nita is a midwife for now, she is not a little girl again. she is very kind with all peoples that she has met. she was a good person, good personality, very humble with all, so friendly. she has graduated from Akademi Kebidanan Bakti Indonesia in Balikpapan, East Borneo.

3. Ari Sanjaya (Ari)


The Youth Academic (in Indonesia know as "Karya Ilmiah Remaja") is one of many extracurricular in my senior high school. I've joined when I was in Junior high school, just want to continue my dream it on. I'm really feel comfort in there, many things that I've doing. It's like research something new or have founded by a founder before.

The motto of KIR SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan is "Lead The World with Our Intelligent" aims to make our more creative, intelligent, innovative, and very dreamer persons. thought we're from many culture, but we're always cohesive and very care each other.

The youth academic was founding many peoples to become a youth scientist, for helping my country to more better than now. Many ideas was born from this, many activities was happened in here, many experience was came from this, and also many achievement we've got from here.

The youth academic is not only make some research, but we are also caring for the environment. we're so affection to the environment, because the average of the youth academic from Science Class Program.

The Product of KIR is a science task or a useful thing also brilliant youth students from SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan. heheh :D  So, I was included in this category. :p

this is some picture of my brilliant Moments in KIR SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan.

this is about "Menanam 1000 Pohon Edition"

from left are Darna darwis, Ferasty Bura, Hendra Setiawan, Marianus Beda, and Handriyas Abu Choir

This is after we're Orientasi Lapangan for the next KIR generations.
there are Hendra Setiawan, Melly Purnamasari, Hamidah, Handriyas Abu Choir, Mufidah, and Sitti Fadilah at backside.

And It's an unforgettable moment that we're have do, Promote our extracurricular and we're The most beautiful design.
There are, from left (Maswin, Ferasty Bura, Mufidah, Tini, Hendra Setiawan)

it also the continue activity from topside picture. They are Ferasti Bura, Handriyas Abu Choir, Putu Sukma Sari, and Hendra Setiawan.

Actually, many pic I want to share, but for the begin just uploaded 4 photos.. because the photos in my old computer.. I'm never Moving it.. :)