Play_group IPA 1 (Satu/one) Family

Hallo. I am Handri, Actually, I've posted about my Playgroup IPA 1's Family in my diary facebook. Sometimes I do miss them so much, cause they are very special in my live. Many stories have made from our gathering since XI class (June, 2008) until our graduated in senior high school (April, 2010). We're have united by many X (ten) classes, many Junior High Schools in Nunukan, ...


Karya Ilmiah Remaja / The Youth Academic

The Youth Academic (in Indonesia know as "Karya Ilmiah Remaja") is one of many extracurricular in my senior high school. I've joined when I was in Junior high school, just want to continue my dream it on. I'm really feel comfort in there, many things that I've doing. It's like research something new or have founded by a founder before. The motto of KIR SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan is ...